Friday, January 17, 2014

What Might Not Have Been

by Susan

This e-card from Pinterest pretty much sums me up. At 36, I have plenty of friends who have been married for years, and now the baby phase has started. Though I haven’t quite got there yet, I am perfectly okay that they have. I even shake off the good natured teasing about why I am not married, because really, I do not have an exact answer.

Growing up, I pictured being a wife and a mother.  I have little doubt that I will be both when God sees fit. I am a firm believer in Proverbs 16:9, which reads 
“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”  
While some days I can picture coming home to a husband and a couple of kids, I can easily say that at this point in my life, I enjoy the freedom that being single has afforded me.

Looking back, I believe that I may never have met some of the most important people in my life had I been married.  In 2006, I went on my first mission trip to Guatemala. Although many from that trip are married and have children, I do not think I would have left home with a young family to take care of. The people I met and to this day maintain friendships with in Guatemala have blessed and inspired me more than I can put into words. Because of my single status, I have been able to travel back to Guatemala every July since 2006. 

My experience in Guatemala put my career path in to light.  After the trip in 2006, and with two semesters left to go in a Bachelor’s degree in elementary education, I switched my major to social work. My passion to create change and advocate for those without a voice was renewed.  Again, I am not sure any of that would have all happened had I settled down. 

The social work field is not exactly teeming with guys (at least here in Ohio anyway), so that cut down my chances of meeting someone at work.  At the time, I also worked at a preschool. Not a ton of guys in that field either. And now, I work from home, so some weeks the only time I go anywhere is when I pick my Goddaughter up from school.  Because I work evenings and weekends, I do not have a lot of opportunity to go to church functions which, to me, would be a great place to meet a future spouse.

What I am trying to say is that I am okay with all of this. I am not worried about it at all. God has always had a plan for my life. On days when I get discouraged about my singleness (and there ARE those days) I take a deep breath and remind myself how Someone much more powerful than myself has it under control!

See you in the Round!

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